Me voici lancée dans cette saison 2008 pour les photos de mariages. Les précédents reportages de cette année se sont bien passés et j'aurais adoré pouvoir mettre des photos sur ce blog mais je n'ai pas eu le courage de demander aux mariés si je pouvais mettre leurs photos en ligne (je déteste ma timidité par moments). Du coup, bien que les photos m'appartiennent, je ne peux montrer celles sur lesquelles on voit les gens ..
Mais vendredi dernier, j'ai eu l'occasion de prendre plus de photos très belles et sans personne dessus. Voici ma préférée, la chrysalide.

(see this photo on flickr)
== Photo prise lors d'un reportage de mariage avec Laurent Carpentier ==
Sans vouloir rentrer trop dans les clichés, j'ai vraiment bien aimé l'idée de la métamorphose et de la chrysalide pour la mariée :)
7 commentaires:
wow. cool backlight!
love the vibrant colors here.
thanks :)
that's a classic that I have long admired and couldn't resist trying it at my last wedding, even before the dress was taken out of its case.
now I'm happy I did :D
I hope you took another one without the cover. The impact would have been even more awesome!
I took one when she reached for her dress,
and one of the dress alone.
But I don't know whether it's the framing, the exposure or even if the light changed in between, but I think the most powerful image is that of the dress still in its cover.
lol maybe I'm just being a weirdo :D
hmmm. the first image doesn't show up somehow. Did you make it private on flickr?
as for the dress. perhaps it's the chair. whenever I take a dress shot I always make sure everything else around is removed. And it also seems to me that it always looks best when it is framed in the middle of the shot. Just an opinion though, you did a tremendous job. Come and work together with me!! :)
Both are private. Somehow an HTML tag got added in the address and I can't edit my own comment !!! Here's that link again (I hope it works).
I totally agree with you about the need to remove the chair and stand in front of the dress so that it is centered in the photo. I have to work on that :)
And I'd LOVE to come and work with you !!! Who knows maybe next year it could be possible for a few weeks :)
Are you planning a trip to the US next year? That would be AWESOME!!
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