Voici déjà un petit bout de spectacle avec Carole et son vélo. J'aimerais bien déjà savoir faire du vélo sans les mains, mais ça, c'est époustouflant. Le mieux, c'était que la plupart des artistes n'étaient absoluement pas des pros. Je trouve que ça rend le spectacle encore plus magique.

(see this photo on flickr)
Plus quand j'aurai mis d'autres photos en ligne :)
2 commentaires:
your sense of light amazes me.
love this one. Is this your colleague?
Sorry for my lack of activity on flickr. I am taking an extended break. :)
Hey, thanks a lot for your visit here :)
For the light, there's some post-processing involved to darken the not-so-romantic details in the background :D
I went to see my cousin's circus show, and this is "just" another person in the show. She was soooo impressive. Now that I think of it, I hadn't been to a circus in ages and I loved it.
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